These are Amazon Affiliate Links and I earn Commission from them.

Canvas Trousers
Green Cotton Shirt
Sheep Leather Gloves
Wife Beater
Wool Puttees
My Hobnail Boots!
Leather Puttees
Rollneck Wool Sweater
Wool Balaclava

11 thoughts on “Clothing”

  1. This website is sick just wish more of his stuff he’s shown off was on here but all of it probably can’t be bought just on amazon.

  2. Been obsessed with trying to find that foldable candle lantern you’ve got. You’ve always got the most badass stuff! If you find it avaliable somewhere PLEASE add it to the inventory!

  3. It would be cool to see a gallery of the equipment you’ve gotten that can’t be bought online so viewers can use the photos as references when buying similar gear.

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